Friday 30 November 2012

Practise vs. Sharing

Sharing the insight or pratise of others is wonderful. We model off the way others work, write and live. Quoting someone though is not practise it is sharing. Making your own work and formulating your own thoughts (even if they align with another's) is practise.

The effect of writing a blog as a practise is that each day is a new step. I build on the last. I test my thinking with an audience then allow, if not welcome, the next step. 

When I share artwork or writing of another who inspires me this is generous. It helps people see what feeds my process. The sharing act does not move me forward though. The work of formulating my own words and images is the practise that moves me forward. It is through experiencing the work that it becomes practise.

Sharing is important to craft, practise is too. Knowing the difference between the two and the gains of each is integral to an artists development.

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