Monday 30 December 2013

Angels - Work in Progress 6

I couldn't keep myself away much longer. So I came back to this drawing last night. The lower third of the drawing will come pretty quickly now


Sunday 15 December 2013

Minos - Shortlisted For NZFC Funding

Great news and in the company of some great teams. Here's the full announcement and short list below.

Blue Harvest Shorts is delighted to announce our shortlist. 

Shortlisters - please feel free to give your logline in this post! I could make some up, but I think you'd prefer giving your own versions.

In no particular order…

Casey Whelan (writer/producer), Alex Clark (producer), Luke Schuetzle (producer), Paul Campion (director)

Mhairead Connor (producer), Christian Rivers (director), Guy McDouall (writer)

Ruth Korver (producer), Dean Hewison (writer/director)

Morgan Leigh Stewart (producer), Rupert McKenzie (director), Tom Dreaver (writer)

Mark Tyron (producer), Brendan Heffernan (writer/director)

Many congratulations to everyone involved. We're looking forward to developing your projects with you.

Thursday 12 December 2013

Nolar Millar Library Exhibition finished

I picked up the 'Airport' Drawing this week from the Nolar Millar Library. This ends the series of drawings in the space.  I'm stoked by the reaction. There is nothing as rewarding as people enjoying the work.  There have been inquiries into further exhibitions as well as a few commissions. My schedule is all locked up for the next few months but will have new work soon.

I will exhibit at Visual Culture Gallery, 108 Oriental Parade Wellington. The mid Feb dates TBC.

The Nolar Millar was a first step in sharing work. I wanted to share work with my local community. I was teaching design in the building at the National Drama school at the time so I selected the library as a way of reaching my colleagues and students. My immediate community.  My next community bubble is Wellington city itself. I'm looking forward to the chance to reach friends, family and my broader community with art.

Special Thanks goes to Kris Wehipeihana for welcoming my journey to begin within the walls of Nolar Millar :). And my gratitude also to Caryl McKirdy who now welcomes my next piece of work into her Gallery.

Sunday 8 December 2013

Minos - Marquette Design Sketches, painting and reference.

These are 2 of my design sketches as well as a full figure painting I made for the Minotaur sculpt. What follows is some of the supporting reference that I used to fill in the gaps in the design. From this point Nicky had to do a tonne of research of her own to make anatomical sense of the concept.  Making the creature work in 3Dimensions is a massive step up from the page...but hopefully you can see the connection between the two stages.  Moving this into a full scale creature will involve many heads to capture the qualities we've targeted in this design stage.

Saturday 7 December 2013

Minos - Marquette and Pitch

Marc and I had a great time today pitching the short film 'Minos' to the Blue Harvest team down at the NZFC offices.  In time we'll release more art and design from the process.... but first up here are some pics of an outstanding creature marquette from sculptor Nicky Campbell. Beautiful work and a thrill to reveal to the selection team our vision for the films Monster. :) 

Wednesday 4 December 2013

The Dead Lands - first art released on FB

NZ Film 'The Dead lands' has started a bit of social media through facebook with some of my illustrations for the film. Really enjoyed making these and working in what for me was a very different approach to film design.

Hope you enjoy these. As more about the film gets released I'll be sure to update.