Tuesday 11 June 2013

13 blogs to go

When I begun this blog I aimed to write 100 posts at which time I was going to review the process.  This is my 88th and I can't but help get ahead of myself.

Writing and sharing my thoughts have been beneficial in numerous ways and perhaps it will be some time before I can truly measure its impact. Blogging has helped generate connection with fellow artists and friends on a much deeper level. The resulting work on David Strong's short film was an encouraging sign of things to come. Collaborations with A J Annila,  Toa Fraser and most recently Louis Sutherland feel like the foundations to great work to come.  I am both hopeful and encouraged by our creative community. The response of thanks and joy from those that take inspiration or encouragement from my process has been a comfort and a guide to the work I want to create. To those of you who read this I am grateful. To those who have met me in conversation to my thoughts I thank you.

My first post began quoting David Mamet. His words still ring true as to the purpose of this format.

'Do not internalise the industrial model. You are not one of the myriad of interchangeable pieces, but a unique human being, and if you've got something to say, say it, and think well of yourself while you're learning to say it better.

This is great advice for an artist. Blogging has allowed me to be an artist with every post, with every word. Drawings, paintings and films require a great deal of resource, time and skill. To do them well they require something of far greater value. They require courage. I wasn't sure I had the courage or the voice for those mediums and needed to test my art, my performance and my voice somewhere else. Blogging was that testing ground.

As a result of this blog, as result of 'publishing my thoughts for an audience' I have learnt to say what I've got to say better. The next step is to do the same through the art I create outside this blog. The art of my drawings, paintings, design and filmmaking.  I enter these environments welcoming greater challenge, risk, demand, sacrifice and exposure.  I have something to say in these arena and will think well of myself as I learn speak through them better.

I will continue this blog to 100.  I'd like the following 12 posts to continue as a reflection on the process. As way of creating these posts I'd appreciate any feedback or thoughts generated from what I have written over the past few months . Please feel free to comment on the blog or email me at heffernan.brendan@gmail.com I'm not sure what the resulting 12 posts will be but look forward to the conversation.

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